Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Yay or Nay and TLA!

Hello to whoever is still reading this blog. Thanks to those who are! anywho, lotz of kids at my school say Twilight is stupid! i know! they're nuts!! hence the title yay or nay. i wrote this long article on why people might love or hate twilight. wether u luv it or hate it, plz take time to read this article. at the end there are details on something new for this blog. here it goes.

Twilight is a modern fantasy. Nothing gory, nothing violent. When people hear vampires, they think of gory, bloody fights and biting heads off and blood sucking. Thats what i thought. Nobody had ever even heard of vegetarian vampires until Twilight came around. The idea of vampires living off of animal blood gets some people mad. Maybe for the fact of change. The way people have seen vampires, to them vegetarian vampires is a stupid idea. Some look at vampires such as Vlad the Impaler and think the idea of vegetarian vampires is ridiculous. Reading the books myself, i thought of the idea as a little silly. Vegetarian vampires was a totally new idea. While reading, i found that the idea was very interesting. Its not that they dont want the human blood but that they choose NOT to drink the human blood. The cravings that these vampires have for human blood adds some drama to the story in Edward and Bella's relationship.
Its a romance, as most everybody knows. Bella's scent is very alluring to Edward, as also most people know. It seems that people forget this detail. Most haters look over this little detail. This little, tiny detail helps to make the story. Its this detail that creates the conflict and makes the story what it is. The story shows the conflict of vampires and humans in a new way. Everybody knows that humans and vampires dont mix from what we see in movies or hear about. The movies are gory and bloody and sometimes violent. They kill people. That is common knowledge of vampires. Vampires kill people and suck their blood. Not in this tale. People say that because of this Twilight is dumb. Really, if if you think about it, its clever. A clever, new idea. The idea of living off of animal blood. People dont see the ingenius here. Vampires need to live off of blood, but it was never specified that it HAD to be human blood. Just blood in general. The vegetarian vampires play a big role in the story. If he wasnt a vegetarian vampire, him and Bella's romance wouldn't have turned out the way it did. A real vampire would've lured Bella in for her scent and flattered her. Then would've sucked her blood. Edward almost did this but he didn't want to expose his family. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!
The vampires in this story are heroes in a way. Being able to resist human blood is a great feat and hard to do. To resist what they condsider delectable food. That is like you or I resisting our favorite meal. Bravo for the Cullens!!!
Lets talk about werewolves for a second. When someone says werewolf, i used to think half-man, half-wolf who howls at the moon and comes out at night. Do you think the same? Most likely you do. In this book, werewolves help people. Jacob ends up becoming a werewolf. He doesnt howl at the moon and go nuts, him and his pack help to protect humans, Bella in particular. We dont see werewolves as helping people. We see them like we see vampires, KILLERS! We see werewolves as monsters who come out at night to howl at the moon and hunt. In Meyers Twilight Saga its different as many know. Werewolves arnt a big issue but i thought as though they should be mentioned.
Now, back to vampires. People love complaining about the Cullens ant hteir vegetarian vampirism. THe only thing about that is that they are not the only vampires mentioned in the Twilight books. The ones i will bring up out of the many mentioned are the Nomads who are James, Laurent, and Victoria. James is probably what most anti-twilighters would say is a real vampire. He longs for Bella's blood. James is a tracker. He tracks people just so he can suck their blood. Blood is a delicacy and a NEED for ANY VAMPIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For people who havnt read Twilight, give it a try. This vegetarian vampire idea just might surprise you. For those who have read Twilight, spread the news!

Thanks for reading that LONG post. I am starting a TLA which stands for Twilight lovers of America. Interested?? more details to come! i gotta go cuz my hands are tired. cya! i will try to post more frequently.

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