Saturday, March 21, 2009

Twilight Midnight release party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was crazy. i went to a midnight twilight release party. yep, call me a nut if you wish. my mom wouldnt take my friend and i so i convinced my dad to take us. when we got there at 10 the place was nearly vacant. my friend had to get a watch for her dad and went then to pay for it. we then went back to the electronics section to start waiting in line only to find there is no real line. just little groups. we asked a girl that looked familiar where the movie would be being released and she said that they didnt know. well, the ended up releasing them around the dressing room section, right by twilight merchandise! so, i got a team edward shirt, pins, and key chains( thanks to my dad wallet!). then, we formed a heard in front of a twilight table. they then brought out these handout things. we grabbed them, i ended up grabbing them for my friends as well since i could push through people to reach the table. that girl that looked familiar went to out school and was a grade behind us. so we talked to her. they had cake and punch, but i wasnt feeling to well. my friend had the cake and said the icing was way to sweet. yuck! i hate icing thats too sweet. anywho, we waited and waited, getting more anxious as time passed. it was about 10 minutes till midnight and these girl from our grade came to our part of the herd and we started talking to them. we were all squeeling about how close it was. at 11:59 we were all too excited to wait the last minute. at 12 we screamed its midnight! they started passing out the dvds and as is expected at a releaseparty people started shoving. they then yelled no shoving please! thank you! they started passing back some. 2 girls in front of me took 2 copies and i grabbed for the other. they didnt seem to mind since they had their copies. they were going to pass it back anyway. after this i shoved my way out. my friends still trying to get copies. when i got out i tried to find that i had to go down a different hallway to get to the check out. my friend came out looking sad saying she got a 1 disc. she said they only ordered 10 2 disc copies and was mad that i got one of the 2 disc ones and she didnt. i am planning on having a viewing party with some friends, ill let her watch all the special features! we then found my dad who had magically re-appeared and rushed to a checkout. it was 12:15 and we were checked out. it was late when we got home. you dont think i went to bed do you?? i was hoping not. guess what i did. watched twilight!!!!! and i am watching it again soon. well, ill post again soon. leave comments about your twilight movie experience. how did you get it? let me know! laterz

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