Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sick and Tired of my classmates!!

ok, so at my school some kids really get worked up over the Twilight stuff. especially the kids in my homeroom! today, around dismissal they wrote Twilight is super gay! on the board. i erased it but they wrote it back on the board when i had to leave to catch my bus. i am really tired of this nonsense. i really dont enjoy the kids in my class trashing twilight. they dont like the idea of vegetarian vampires. they say vampires drink blood, they cant be vegetarians. when i try to explain it to them they yell twilight is stupid and then run away. i really dont like them. i do have a group of twilighter friends but we are overpowered. :( on a lighter note i made a new banner. i am re reading twilight for only the 3rd time and i came across a picture and a good quote. bella says to Edward "Vampires like baseball?" to which Edward replies "Its the American pastime." i find these quotes awesome so i incorporated them with a twilight baseball picture and presto! new banner! btw, i am getting the twilight dvd early saturday morning at my local walmart. i asked if i could reserve a copy and they wouldnt let me. meanos!!!!! keep checking, im posting more often. laterz!

1 comment:

The Fanpires said...

"meanos!!!" XD

I know how you feel about this. I remember when I was pestering you to read it in the first place... anywho, don't let it bother you. Just let yourself be known as the Twilight girl. It's fun! :)
