Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pattinson's new do!

sorry for not posting. i need to improve on that. anywho, as most know Pattinson has a new do and i am not a big fan of it. i didnt like his old do and i dont like his new do. i liked the way he styled his hair in the twilight movie as Edward. why cant he wear it like that 24/7? oh, rob!

plz, tell me what you think of his new do. leave comments! omg, i have a very random question on my profile. how do lionesses know when the r grown up. IDK! how do i know when im grown up?? anywho, i am really trying to post more. really and truly. i want to thank my followers Giselle, Kileigh, and Nikki. thanks guys u rock!to the right are pics of Rob. enjoy!

1 comment:

The Fanpires said...

I think he looks fantastic either way. Right now he looks more clean-cut, though I miss his unruly locks ;)
