Sunday, September 21, 2008

Whadaya Think.

new whadaya think.

whadaya think:
you would do if u could meet the cullen family.

i will now start choosing a winning answer to each whadaya think. so leave your answer as a comment. answer by Monday, September 29.

sorry i havnt posted in a while. i have been busy.


Kileigh said...

Hmm...I would probably hug them all and then talk with them for hours, play with Renesmee and MAYBE go to the meadow with them, if Edward and Bella allowed me of course since it IS their special meadow.
Oh! And I would want to go to their lovely house, along with Edward and Bella's cottage.
And stop by and say hello to the pack too.

Rachel said...

Yo! I would totally FREAK!!!!!! I would hug them, kiss them (not Edward, he's Bella's) and totally go ballistic. I would BEG Alice to see my future, and Renesmee to talk/show stuff to me. I would love to see the house, and maybe, if I was allowed, they would take me to Esme Island. I would hang with all of them all day, and as long as I could. If it was possible, I would love to be a part of their adventures (yes, that includes going to Volterra).

The Fanpires said...

Well, I think they'd become an immediate part of my life. I'd play it cool, and they would be like, "You should live with us. We miss having a human around." And I'd say, "Sure, what the heck." Then I would go over to La Push and chill with the pack for a bit (except for Leah and Paul; they scare me). Then Seth would imprint on me. Then we'd live happily ever after. Yeah, I like this plan :)
