Monday, September 8, 2008

Whadaya Think.

here is my answer to the last whadaya think.

First, i would scream. Then, i would touch him to make sure he was real. then, i would scream again. i would ask him tons of questions. then, i would probably cry when he had to leave.

new whadaya think:

Whadaya think:
is the best Twilight book and what is the worst twilight book and why.

this is difficult so i will give u time to think it over. u dont have to answer right away, think about it a bit. i want to know why as well. plz, answer by next monday, september 15. take your time.


Kileigh said...

There is NO possible way to answer that!!

ALL of them are FANTASTIC.

The Fanpires said...

that's a hard question!

They are all the best and the worst in their own special ways.

Best: the relationship is new, so it's much more exciting.
Worst: they don't love eachother immediately-- in fact, quite the opposite.

New Moon--
Best: the reunited and we were exposed to the haunting loss and shown how strong their love really is and how it conquers all of the hurdles.
Worst: Edward LEFT! And Jacob tried to fill his place.

Best: The competition was very gripping. I love how hard Edward was fighting, proving that his love for Bella is never ending.
Worst: Jacob really does love Bella. And he kisses her, and Bella wants him, even though she wants Edward more.

Breaking Dawn--
Best: Renesmee, the wedding, the heart-breaking pregnancy, Isle Esme, the final battle of wits!
Worst: it's the end! It's so heart breaking that this really is over. At least Bella's journey. Plus, Jacob's imprint on Renesmee made me want to push him out of a window.
