Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Twilight Review.

sorry for the wait. Here is my Twilight Review.

Twilight, the first book in the saga. Great. I love how Edward and Bellas relationship starts out bad and gets soooooo much better. they start as basically enemies and end up in a realtionship in the end. not being able to stay away from each other without missing each other like crazy. HOW SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this book sooooooooooo much. it is the total begining. how they protect bella from james, edward protecting her in the clearing like that, sooooooooooo cute! :)
you must read this book to be informed. one of the best books, actually they are all good books.

Bella: Ordinary girl, clumsy, smart, girlfriend of a vampire, uncordinated, sweet.

Edward: GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sweet, vampire, reads minds,GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alice: vampire, sees future, friend of bella, nice.

Emmett: Strong, vampire, likes angry grizzlys. :)

Rosalie: stuck up, vampire.

Jasper: keeps his distance, vampire.

Carlisle: sweet, gentle man, vampire, doctor.

Esme: sweet,caring,vampire,cheerful.

Jessica: chatter box.

Mike: annoying.

Angela: quiet, shy.

Jacob: in love with bella, likes cars.

Billy: superstitious.

Charlie (cheif swan): cant cook, bellas father.

Renee: bellas mom, caring, sweet.

new whadaya think up tommrow. new poll tommorow.

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