Saturday, December 6, 2008

CAN'T BELEIVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

o.k. so yesterday i found out some news about the actress who plays that character of bella swan in the twillight movie (thanks kileigh!). she said something that i am VERY UPSET ABOUT!!!!!!!
please read this. she is soooooooooo rude, selfish, what a b****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh! leave your comments on this issue please. i want to know what you think about this outburst of hers.


Kileigh said...

Blehhhhh on Kristen Stewart.
I agree with what you said!

Rachel said...

Nikki says:
i know. she is horrible! she'd be NOTHING without her fans. now she will become nothing. everyone hates her now. if you want to know why my name changed, check my blog.