Saturday, November 29, 2008

Twilight Movie/ New Banner

I LOVED THE MOVIE!!!!!! words cannot describe how wonderful it was. i saw it the day i came out. leave comments if you loved, or hated the movie.

i made this new banner. kileigh, i still loved yours. :) leave comments about the new banner and plz take the new poll.


Rachel said...

good to finally hear from u!!!! i was totally blown away by the movie! to see EXACTLY what I thought of it, check my blog. I posted on Thanksgiving, so look for that. oh, and LEAVE A COMMENT PLEASE!!!!!!!!

Rachel said...

OOPs! if u don't know my site, it's:

Kileigh said...

I know :)
I love your banner too :)

The movie was pretty good. I thought it would be a TAD bit better than it really was, but it was still sufficient enough. I enjoyed it :)

The Fanpires said...

i love that movie, i love that movie, i love that movie...
i saw it TWICE the day it came out! ha! ;)
i've now seen it three times and can't wait to see it a fourth time!
