Sunday, August 10, 2008

Still Working on Breaking Dawn.

this is wierd. whenever i go to read i get the sudden urge to play my flute. i have been addicted to my flute lately. i am trying hard not to think about my flute but it sits there mocking me. ugh! geez, i need to start hiding my flute. who knew instruments could be so frustrating. anyway, i am going to go hide me flute and then read. i will do that after i check caties blog. bye!


Kileigh said...

Maybe because of band camp?

Just a guess lol.

The Fanpires said...


you choose flute over breaking dawn?

i very well may have issues with this :P

The Fanpires said...

juuuuuuust kidding!

Kileigh said...

Haha. I agree with Caitlin.